# Configuration

Repository structure can be altered using tailor configuration file. Recognized configuration filenames are (sorted by priority):

  • tailor.config.js
  • .tailorrc.js
  • .tailorrc
  • .tailorrc.json

Use the tailor.config.js.example file as a template:

$ cp tailor.config.js.example tailor.config.js

and enter the configuration details. By default, the configuration file is searched inside the current working directory. If a custom location or a custom name is needed, it can be provided through the --config flag passed to target npm script:

$ npm run dev:client -- --config=path/to/custom/tailor/config.js

alternatively TAILOR_CONFIG environment variable can be used:

$ TAILOR_CONFIG=path/to/custom/tailor/config.js npm run dev:server

# Repository structure

This section explains how to configure the general course structure. That includes creating all used activity types (Goals, Learning Objectives, Practice Exercises, etc.), setting up their relation to one another, as well as what type of content will each activity contain (Introduction, Perspective, Assessments, Exams, etc.) and various activity meta data.

# Code example

  "SCHEMAS": [
      "id": "COURSE",
      "name": "Example schema",
      "contentContainers": [
          "type": "INTRO",
          "label": "Introduction",
          "types": [
          "displayHeading": true
          "type": "PERSPECTIVE",
          "label": "Content",
          "multiple": true,
          "displayHeading": true,
          "layout": true
      "structure": [
          "rootLevel": true,
          "type": "GOAL",
          "subLevels": [
          "label": "Goal",
          "color": "#42A5F5",
          "contentContainers": [
          "meta": [
              "key": "inputKey",
              "type": "INPUT",
              "label": "Name",
              "placeholder": "Click to add...",
              "validate": {
                "rules": {
                  "max": 250
              "key": "textareaKey",
              "type": "TEXTAREA",
              "label": "Description",
              "placeholder": "Click to add...",
              "validate": {
                "rules": {
                  "max": 250
              "key": "checkboxKey",
              "type": "CHECKBOX",
              "label": "Generic checkbox label",
              "description": "Description for a checkbox"
              "key": "switchKey",
              "type": "SWITCH",
              "label": "Generic switch label",
              "description": "Description for a switch"
              "key": "colorKey",
              "type": "COLOR",
              "label": "Pick a color"
              "key": "duration",
              "type": "SELECT",
              "label": "Select From List",
              "placeholder": "Select...",
              "options": [
                  "label": "selection 1",
                  "value": 5
                  "label": "selection 2",
                  "value": 10
                  "label": "selection 3",
                  "value": 15
              "key": "datePicker",
              "type": "DATETIME",
              "label": "date picker"
          "type": "OBJECTIVE",
          "subLevels": [
          "label": "Learning Objective",
          "color": "#66BB6A",
          "contentContainers": [],
          "meta": [
              "key": "description",
              "type": "TEXTAREA",
              "label": "Description",
              "placeholder": "Click to add...",
              "validate": {
                "rules": {
                  "required": false,
                  "max": 250
              "key": "inactive",
              "type": "SWITCH",
              "label": "Inactive"
          "type": "TOPIC",
          "label": "Topic",
          "color": "#EC407A",
          "isObjective": true,
          "contentContainers": [
          "meta": [
              "key": "description",
              "type": "TEXTAREA",
              "label": "Description",
              "placeholder": "Click to add...",
              "validate": {
                "rules": {
                  "required": false,
                  "max": 250
          "relationships": [
              "type": "prerequisites",
              "label": "Prerequisites",
              "placeholder": "Select prerequisites"
              "type": "replacements",
              "label": "Replacements",
              "placeholder": "Select replacements"

# OUTLINE_LEVELS properties

Property Description Values
rootLevel Defines the activity can be added without a parent level (a root activity) Boolean
type Defines the type of the Activity 'GOAL', 'OBJECTIVE', 'INTERACTIVE_EXERCISE', 'TOPIC' or any other available activity type
subLevels Defines which activities are sub-levels for the current activity.
IMPORTANT: Level property for all sub-activities has to be current_activity.level + 1
Example: If 'GOAL' has level set to 1, and 'OBJECTIVE' is a sublevel of 'GOAL', then 'OBJECTIVE' level has to be set to 2. Entering the wrong subLevel value may cause issues with the course structure.
Array containing 'GOAL', 'OBJECTIVE', 'INTERACTIVE_EXERCISE', 'TOPIC' or any other available activity type
label Label for the currently selected activity String
color Color for the background on the activity ordinal number HEX, RGB, color name,...
meta Used to add metadata to the activity (visible from the activity sidebar). More details on metadata can be found here.
contentContainers Used to add content containers with specified elements in each structure type. More details on defining content container structure can be found here.
relationships Used to add specified types of relationships between structure types. More details on relationships can be found here.

# Content containers

The following sections explains how to configure content containers. Each type can have multiple content containers that need to be predefined within the scheme .activities-rc.json.

# Code Example

"contentContainers": [{
  "type": "PERSPECTIVE",
  "label": "Perspective",
  "types": [
  "displayHeading": true,
  "multiple": true,
  "min": 1,
  "max": 3,
  "layout": true

# Content container properties

Property Description Values
type const-cased string for marking ContentContainer type. String
templateId const-cased string that defines which custom ContentContainer is used to display this container. Needs to match the templateId property of the desired custom ContentContainer. If not specified the default ContentContainer is used to display this container. String
label String used for referencing ContentContainer on the UI. String
multiple Defines if there can be multiple instances of the ContentContainer inside a single Activity. False by default. Boolean
min Defines minimum number of a given content container allowed within an activity. Those will be auto-created. Number
max Defines the maximum number of a given content container allowed within an activity. Must be greater or equal to min. Number
types An array of possible elements for the content container type. If not specified, all types of elements are allowed. All currently available types are displayed in the code example above. Array<String>
displayHeading Defines if the heading is displayed on the top of the content container. False by default. Boolean
layout Defines if elements inside the container can be displayed in two rows. False by default. Boolean
config Defines ContentContainer specific properties. Object
required Defines if an instance of the ContentContainer is created if non exist. True by default. Boolean
publishedAs Defines the name of the file under which the container will be published. Defaults to container. The name of the structure component used is the kebab-cased version of the type property. (example: ABC_DEF -> abc-def) String

# Activity metadata

Code needs to be added in .activities-rc.json file, inside of the OUTLINE_LEVELS meta arrays. Metadata will be displayed in the activity sidebar:

# 1. Input

# Code example

meta: [{
  "key": "inputKey",
  "type": "INPUT",
  "label": "Input field",
  "placeholder": "Click to add...",
  "validate": {
    "rules": {
      "required": false,
      "max": 250  

# Preview


Add image

# 2. Text Area

# Code example

meta: [{
  "key": "textareaKey",
  "type": "TEXTAREA",
  "label": "Description",
  "placeholder": "Click to add...",
  "validate": {
    "rules": {
      "required": false,
      "max": 250

# Preview


Add image

# 3. Checkbox

# Code example

meta: [{
  "key": "textareaKey",
  "type": "TEXTAREA",
  "label": "Description",
  "placeholder": "Click to add...",
  "validate": {
    "rules": {
      "required": false,
      "max": 250

# Preview


Add image

# 4. Switch

# Code example

meta: [{
  "key": "textareaKey",
  "type": "TEXTAREA",
  "label": "Description",
  "placeholder": "Click to add...",
  "validate": {
    "rules": {
      "required": false,
      "max": 250

# Preview


Add image

# 5. Color picker

# Code example

meta: [{
  "key": "colorKey",
  "type": "COLOR",
  "label": "Pick a color"

# Preview


Add image

# 6. Select

# Code example

meta: [{
  "key": "selectKey",
  "type": "SELECT",
  "label": "Select From List",
  "options": [{
    "label": "selection 1",
    "value": 5
  }, {
    "label": "selection 2",
    "value": 10
  }, {
    "label": "selection 3",
    "value": 15

# Preview


Add image

# 7. Multiselect

# Code example

meta: [{
  "key": "multiselectKey",
  "type": "MULTISELECT",
  "label": "Objective",
  "placeholder": "Select From List",
  "options": [{
    "label": "Option 1",
    "value": 1
  }, {
    "label": "Option 2",
    "value": 2
  }, {
    "label": "Option 3",
    "value": 3

# Preview


Add image

# 8. Date Picker

# Code example

meta: [{
  "key": "datePicker",
  "type": "DATETIME",
  "label": "date picker"

# Preview


Add image

# 9. HTML with Quill editor

# Code example

meta: [{
  "key": "html",
  "type": "HTML",
  "label": "html with quill"

# Preview


Add image

# 10. File upload

# Code example

meta: [{
  "key": "file",
  "type": "FILE",
  "label": "File Upload",
  "placeholder": "Click to add...",
  "validate": {
    "rules": {
      "ext": [

# Preview


Add image

# Relationships

The following section explains how to configure relationships between structure types. These are defined within the scope of a structure type within .activities-rc.json.

# Code example

"relationships": [{
  "type": "prerequisites",
  "label": "prerequisites",
  "placeholder": "Select prerequisites",
  "multiple": true,
  "searchable": true,
  "allowEmpty": true,
  "allowCircularLinks": true,
  "allowInsideLineage": true

# Properties

Property Description Type
type Defines the type of the relationship. String
label Label for the current relationship. String
placeholder Defines the placeholder label for the relationship. String
multiple Defines if a relationship can have multiple associations. True by default. Boolean
searchable Defines if you can search for the list of activities. True by default. Boolean
allowEmpty Defines if the list of relationships can be empty. True by default. Boolean
allowCircularLinks Defines if you can set circular relationships. A can have a relationship with B and B can have a relationship with A. False by default. Boolean
allowInsideLineage Defines if you can set relationships with parent/child activities. False by default. Boolean

# Element metadata

Configurable inputs may be added to a content element by specifying the content element type inside the tesMeta array (inside the scheme) and then adding the configurable inputs in the element's meta array.

# Code example

elementMeta: [{
  type: 'VIDEO',
  inputs: [{
    key: 'transcript',
    type: 'TEXTAREA',
    label: 'Transcript',
    placeholder: 'Click to add...',
  }, {
    key: 'caption',
    type: 'FILE',
    label: 'Caption',
    placeholder: 'Click to upload text file',
    validate: {
      rules: {
        ext: ['txt']

# Workflow

The following section explains how to configure a workflow. Workflows are defined outside of schemas and are assigned to a schema by adding a worfklowId to a schema's definition.

# Code example

 const DEMO_WORKFLOW = {
  statuses: [
    { id: 'TODO', label: 'Todo', default: true, color: '#E91E63' },
    { id: 'IN_PROGRESS', label: 'In progress', color: '#039BE5' },
    { id: 'REVIEW', label: 'Review', color: '#00BFA5' },
    { id: 'DONE', label: 'Done', color: '#00BFA5'  }

const MODULE = {
  type: 'MODULE',
  rootLevel: true,
  isTrackedInWorkflow: true,
  label: 'Module',
  color: '#5187C7',
  subLevels: ['MODULE', 'LESSON']
const LESSON = {
  type: 'LESSON',
  isTrackedInWorkflow: true,
  label: 'Lesson',
  color: '#08A9AD',
  contentContainers: ['PAGE']

const DEMO_SCHEMA = {
  id: 'DEMO_SCHEMA',
  workflowId: DEMO_WORKFLOW.id,
  name: 'Demo course',
  structure: [MODULE, LESSON],
module.exports = {

# Workflow properties

Property Description Type
id Workflow identifier. String
statuses An array of possible activity statuses. Array<ActivityStatus>
dueDateWarningThreshold Defines threshold (in days, weeks or months) relative to activity's due date, after which the warning of upcoming due date is displayed. Object

# Activity Status properties

Property Description Type
id Activity status identifier. String
label Display label. String
color Display color. String
default Defines that the status is the default, which the activity has when it's created. Boolean